My co-workers coming into the office this morning wearing their “I voted" stickers headed directly to the bathroom. I thought it strange until one said, “I just voted – I felt the need to wash my hands”. This Pontius Pilate ritual continued throughout the morning as we hand our nation over to the unpredictable or the unwanted. My pre-trip excitement was being hampered by election day blues. It only got worst when I received this email from American Airlines.

Holy Crap! Three hours before a flight scheduled to depart at 0’dark-thirty means getting up about bedtime to drive to the airport. I knew a lot of folks have threaten to leave the country if one candidate or the other one was elected, but I had no idea there would be a rush. I guess the election, the heighten security alert, and being less than 2 miles away from the White house when we takeoff the TSA will be checking and double checking everything is probably the real reason for the additional hour.
After a couple emails back and forth, a command decision was taken regarding our departure time. We booked a hotel at the airport. This will allow us to enjoy an additional 90 minutes of sleep than if we departed from home to catch our flight. There was even more good news! The rates had dropped $100 since when I checked two weeks ago. I guess they had too many empty rooms – We Win! Now if only I would get that wonderful email from American saying… You and your companion (my sweetie) have been upgraded to First Class!
Unfortunately, it is time for me to go wash my hands. I sure hope the lines are not long so I do not have to experience the abysmal remorse of having to see the two names which the major parties have allowed to be on the top of the ballot. I do take solace knowing that in a very short while I will be in a pool, looking at the ocean, with friends and the last 18 months are over.

No More Politics!
Rum & Sugar we are Southbound!
Rum & Sugar we are Southbound!
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